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This happening is in the past, and is now archived. Active happenings for this business are listed below.

In Theaters

The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Friday, July 21st — Thursday, July 27th
2:00 pm

With help from Princess Peach, Mario gets ready to square off against the all-powerful Bowser to stop his plans from conquering the world.

Oak Park Theater

1500 4th Avenue Northwest, Minot

Oak Park Theater

There's nothing like a night at the movies, and Oak Park Theater delivers the nostalgia along with the comfortable seats. And of course, we've got the popcorn, too.

savor: (verb) to enjoy completely.

Food, drink, and experience are the marrow of a place. They are each day partners to a life well-lived, and it's the unique, local businesses that give us the most to savor. SavorMinot is for them. For them to speak to you. Tell them you want to hear from them. Join our email list, follow us on social media.