This happening is in the past, and is now archived. Active happenings for this business are listed below.

Live Music

Second (breakFEST)/BookFEST 2024

Friday, August 30th — Saturday, August 31st
An Independent Music Festival that starts earlier and ends earlier and revolves around Midwest Music, Books, and great Breakfast food.
Admission at the door- sliding scale $10-$20 per day. Food and drink at an additional cost.
Kick off show booked and run by Red Willow Collective Featuring Noun and Lung! Venue TBA.
Aug 30th & 31st Independent Music all day over books
& breakfast- hosted by and at Prairie Sky Breads.
Books & Tabling by
Mainstreet Books all weekend long!
Do you want to play- fill out this google form by June 30th:…/1FAIpQLSfG0e4UazhNS5…/viewform
Prairie Sky Breads

3 1st Street Southeast, Minot

Prairie Sky Breads

Minot's local, independent bakery offering homestyle breads and baked goods to our community since 2014. Stop in for a fresh scone and grab a cup of coffee, too!


Main Street Books

There's nothing like a Main Street bookstore. Step into our warm, inviting atmosphere and browse. We carry new and used books, a wide variety of toys, games, and other unique gifts. Plus, we've got kombucha on tap!

savor: (verb) to enjoy completely.

Food, drink, and experience are the marrow of a place. They are each day partners to a life well-lived, and it's the unique, local businesses that give us the most to savor. SavorMinot is for them. For them to speak to you. Tell them you want to hear from them. Join our email list, follow us on social media.