This happening is in the past, and is now archived. Active happenings for this business are listed below.

Let's Celebrate!

Festival of Trees 2024

Friday, November 22nd — Saturday, November 23rd

It’s the one-stop way to kick-off the holiday season. Join us at the North Dakota State Fair Center for two days of activities including a vendor fair, North Pole Play Zone, a Santa Meet & Greet, a 5k Fun Run, a Petting Zoo, Photo Boths and ending with out Dinner and Live Auction of this year’s trees.

Festival of Trees 2024

2005 East Burdick Expressway, Minot

Festival of Trees

Festival of Trees is a fun and festive event and is the perfect way to kick off your holiday season! A two-day extravaganza with events everyone in the family will enjoy! The festival's grand finale is a Live Auction, which will dazzle you!

savor: (verb) to enjoy completely.

Food, drink, and experience are the marrow of a place. They are each day partners to a life well-lived, and it's the unique, local businesses that give us the most to savor. SavorMinot is for them. For them to speak to you. Tell them you want to hear from them. Join our email list, follow us on social media.