This happening is in the past, and is now archived. Active happenings for this business are listed below.
Play & Participate
BurliMOT 2024
Half Marathon – Starts in Burlington on Saturday, October 5th at 8:30am. Shuttles will be available from downtown to get you to the start line. Parking near the race start is located on the north side of the Sports Complex; please follow Colton Ave to Davis St North, then turn right onto Valley Ave. The race ends downtown Minot.
Available at the 5k and half marathon start locations. Your items will be transported to the end for retrieval at the finish.
There will be shuttles available to transport participants to the start of the events. Space is limited on the shuttles so you will need to reserve a spot with your registration. More details on pick up location to come. Buses will be leaving promptly at 7:00am and 7:50am for the half marathon; and 8:30 am for the 5K.
Half Marathon and Half Marathon Relay: 8:30 am October 5th
5K: 9:00 am September 9th.
The routes will be thoroughly marked by signage and volunteer direction. The half marathon starts in Burlington, the 5K starts in Oak Park but they join together and both end in downtown Minot.
There 8 water stations along the half marathon route, Powerade will be available at 4 of the stations, energy gels will be available at the 5.5/8.5 mile station.
Restrooms at the Sports Complex will be available at the start at the half marathon and the Oak Park restrooms will be used at the start of the 5K. There will be bathroom’s available at the end as well as porta potties located along the course.
Half Marathon, 5K and Relay: this will be a chip timed event.
Half Marathon: Prizes will be awarded to the top three male and females as well as to the overall winner of the event. There will also be small prizes awarded to the fastest male and female in the following age categories 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.
1 Mile Walk/Run/Roll: There will be not be prizes for this event with the exception of Adaptive runners. There will be awards for the top 3 Adaptive participants.
Spectators and participants are all welcome to enjoy our finish line and post run event. Join us for food trucks, an outdoor bar, yard games, music, and fun!
BurliMOT 2024
1 Main Street North, Minot
Run With Heart & Sole
Our goal is to promote relationships and participation in our community by presenting family friendly, quality, healthy experiences through fun runs, races, and fitness based events.
Other Happenings at Run With Heart & Sole

Play & Participate
Hair of the Dog 2025
Saturday, May 17th
Atypical Brewery & Barrelworks
More Details