This happening is in the past, and is now archived. Active happenings for this business are listed below.

Performances & Exhibitions

52nd Street | The Music of Billy Joel

Friday, December 6th    7:00 pm

It’s “Still Rock-n-Roll” when 52nd St. comes to town! 52nd St. performs all the BIG HITS of the legendary Billy Joel. From rockers like “Big Shot” and “You May Be Right” to ballads like “Just the Way You Are” and “New York State of Mind” to perennial favorites like “Piano Man” there’s something for everyone!

This show will take place at the Kota Theater in Garrison.

Dickens Village Festival

161 North Main Street, Garrison

Dickens Village Festival

Garrison’s Dickens Village Festival will delight and entertain families from across North Dakota, eastern Montana and southern Canada at the annual Dickens Festival. The event turns a community of 1,500 into a quaint Victorian town from the era of Charles Dickens’. Beginning Thanksgiving week, the Dickens Village Festival runs three consecutive Fridays and Saturdays.

savor: (verb) to enjoy completely.

Food, drink, and experience are the marrow of a place. They are each day partners to a life well-lived, and it's the unique, local businesses that give us the most to savor. SavorMinot is for them. For them to speak to you. Tell them you want to hear from them. Join our email list, follow us on social media.